Saturday, April 11, 2015

I've Been There, I'm Not Just Telling People What I Think

"Don't feel bad if someone REJECTS you. People usually reject EXPENSIVE things because they can't AFFORD them."
 There is deliverance and victory and peace and joy over whatever these emotions may be in our life. We can experience it if we choose to. Emotions  is possible to overcome, what is for some people, the most crippling negative emotions and live a fuller life, not only for themselves but also in service to others.

Emotions are a gift from God. The capacity to have an emotion all comes from God. Bad emotions are coming from our conduct, or from those things that have happened early in our life and we wonder where they came from and oftentimes they're handed down to us by others who reject us, for example, or who are bitter toward us or who didn't really want us to begin with. So there's a whole range of emotions that are good, emotions of love and joy and peace and all the rest. But it's those that devastate us that oftentimes we don't even know where they come from or why we feel them.

God glorified through human emotion. God is glorified, by the fact that we can love Him, that we obey Him, we cherish Him, we serve Him. We live our lives for Him because of who He is, so its really in our emotions that we express our true feelings toward God. We love Him and so we sing that, we pray to Him because we believe in Him. So He gave us emotions to enjoy life and to be able to express ourselves toward Him and toward others. It's when these emotions get bent out of shape, it's when they get off track and we begin to feel guilty or we begin to feel rejected and bitter in our life, that everything turns sad.

If you'll think about it, if your life's full of fear, you can't have any peace and be afraid at the same time. You can't have any joy and be afraid at the same time. If you feel rejected, you can't have any real good relationships in life, you can't feel good about yourself, you can't feel good about other people, you can't feel that they feel good about you — devastating emotions.

This is a common question, "Why would our gracious Father allow grief and suffering?"

 If somebody I love very very much walked away or was killed in an accident, naturally I would grieve. That's my capacity to express my regret, and my hurt and pain over someone. All emotions are permitted by God. The emotions that are profitable are those emotions of peace and joy and happiness and contentment and forgiveness and concern. Those emotions that result in my being willing to give myself away in order to help someone else.

What  is perhaps one of the enemy's most common or crippling lies?

One of his most crippling lies I think is that 'you're no good, you don't count, you're a matter who you are or what you've done, but you, but you, but you. I think it's one of the most crippling lies of all. God loves and has accepted us, yet the devil does his best to deprive us of that.

Emotions with a prayer.  Talking to God about our circumstances is the key to getting delivered. In other words, if I go to His Word and see what He says, then I got o Him in prayer and thank Him for what He says.'Lord, I don't understand this, I'm trusting You to give me understanding because You promised to do it.' That is the way to nail down the victory over whatever you're going through in life.

When it comes to healing...
A personal relationship with Jesus and understanding his acceptance and his forgiveness and his kindness and his salvation and all the rest and that he loves us, that's where the healing comes.

I want people to realize that I've been there. I'm not just telling them something that I think. I know what each one of those emotions feels like, and how God delivered me from every single one of them.

God bless us all!

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